Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Phoenix In Me

                                                  Burnt to Ashes and Risen from Ashes

Phoenix: It's a fascinating fiction of a long lived bird being reborn from its own ashes. Even we as humans die a million deaths; death of hurt and regrets. Haven't we all learned to rise from all of it and continue to survive, strive and even thrive. Isn't this mythological character an inherent part of us? Get the phoenix in you to be reborn yet again!

--Prateek (The emotion-er)

The New Dawn

                           The New Dawn

Stranded on the ground I wonder
with many thoughts to ponder
the strength I was going to surrender
help, I ask Him to render.

  The story so far;
the words unsaid
the poems unread
the whispers unanswered
the thoughts ungathered
the expressions unfold
the secrets untold
  but I’ve come afar.

As the daylight fades
for the dusk to sleep, I wait
and wish the dawn to wake.
Yet another hope; blessed wish
a pure bliss
Feasible aspiration
one inspiration
Vigour renewed
anger subdued
Priceless treasures
efficient measures
Favourable avenues
a life anew
strength not to give into madness war
is all I pray for.

-- Prateek (the Emotion-er)